Friday 25 January 2013

Change of dates

Auditions are still a week away but already drama has engulfed the production. We’re yet to get a cast together but the production has already threatened to come down around our ears. As far as I’m aware, no play before has ever almost been cancelled before it even began pre-production due to a lack of a venue but if this is a first then we can count ourselves lucky.
We discovered a few days ago that our intended venue was not hosting our play on the dates expected due to a misunderstanding. Cue tears, stress and hitting the bottle. When life gives you lemons you either make lemonade or break down and cry. They say times of crisis are when you show your true character and I hope that ours shone through. Once the initial hysteria had passed we of course had to settle down and get to work trying to find a solution, we had to make lemonade. With a little help from our friends and the powers that be in TG we got to work trying to find another venue because at the end of the day all you can do is play the hand you’ve been dealt. 
However, despite the drama in the end all you need is a bit of luck and thankfully the matter was resolved without us really needing to do anything. So for anyone reading this who should ever find themselves in a similar position just keep calm and carry on. The issue was dealt with and we are in fact performing the play at the originally intended venue, Seven Arts but now on the 12th, 13th and 14th of March. We hope to see you there.

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