Wednesday 13 March 2013

Most Interesting Cast in the World Part Three

'How many strange things can happen in one day? - Florindo

Name: Jack Baxter
Age: 19
Course: English and History (1st Year)
Place of Birth: London
Character: Florindo
Thoughts on Character: A pseudo-intellectual, confident yet has lived a very sheltered lifestyle and is almost completely dependent on Beatrice.
Character’s Favourite Song: Your Song by Elton John
Character’s Favourite Food: Those little Russian pancake things
Favourite Play/Film: Richard III, Walk the line, Lord of the Rings
Favourite Actor/Writer/Director: Anthony Hopkins
Past Experience: Done three plays in a youth theatre, it was good.

Interesting Fact: I had a padawan braid for four years after I watched the Phantom Menace.
'My reputation is no business of yours, Sir.' - Beatrice

Name: Chris Holmes
Age: 21
Course: English Literature and Theatre Studies (2nd Year)
Place of Birth: Bristol
Character: Beatrice
Thoughts on Character: She’s a girl after my own heart, knows what she wants although her methods are somewhat extreme.
Character’s Favourite Song: Independent Women by Destiny’s Child
Favourite Food: CHEESE
Character’s Favourite Food: Spicy Spaghetti Bolognaise
Favourite Play/Film: The Shape of Things
Favourite Actor/Writer/Director: Ian McKellen (Plz be my godfather!?) Christoph Waltz is sexy too. Neil Labute
Past Theatrical Experience: Bristol Old Vic Youth Theatre, Noises Off, Romeo and Juliet, Asbo Fairytales (Edinburgh Fringe), directed ‘Black Comedy’

Interesting Fact: When I was younger I thought I was a beagle, called Moonlight.

'Who would order Rissoles?' - Truffaldino

Name: Connor Stuart Gamble
Age: 20
Course: Medicine (2nd Year)
Place of Birth: Chester
Character: Truffaldino
Thoughts on Character: Well he’s a loveable scamp. He means well but is just a bit clumsy at life.
Favourite Song: Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder
Character’s Favourite Song: Food, Glorious Food from Oliver!
Favourite Food: Gammon
Character’s Favourite Food: Literally anything that won’t run off the plate
Favourite Play/Film: Withnail and I

Past Theatrical Experience: Tinkerbell in panto, Bugsy Malone, Pirates of Penzance, Joseph, Honk, Scrooge, Oliver!

Saturday 9 March 2013


So pre-pro week has hit. Chaos ensues. Although surprisingly organised chaos. Set building/painting is going slowly but surely, with us painting from 11.00 this morning to 8.00 this evening, with tomorrow looking like it will consist of a similar sort of time frame. Sammy is also getting particularly crafty, making buckles for shoes, purses and tea staining a lot of envelopes.
the roll of fabric looks suspiciously
like a dead body. cue odd look
We have finally got our costumes! Yay! Although we have be told to watch our female cast for signs on feinting due to the tightness of their corsets. Paleness and yawning if you’re interested.

Come get ticket y’all. We are selling them everyday in the union.
if you're still unsure maybe our hilarious promo video may tempt you

Most Interesting Cast in the World part two

'You uncircumcised dog!' - Clarice

Name: Emily Clarke
Age: 20
Course: English Literature and Theatre Studies (1st Year)
Place of Birth: Hong Kong
Character: Clarice
Thoughts on Character: Bit of a stroppy little madam but it’s all fun and games!
Character’s Favourite Song: That’s what makes you beautiful by One Direction
Favourite Food: Nando’s
Character’s Favourite Food: Spaghetti Bolognaise
Favourite Play/Film: Much ado about nothing
Favourite Actor/Writer/Director: Quentin Tarantino, James McAvoy
Past Theatrical Experience: Bedroom Farce, Oliver!, The Oedipus Trilogy, Rapunzel, Extra in Warhorse

Interesting Fact: I once got an umbrella stuck on my thumb and had to go to hospital to get it cut off. (The umbrella not my thumb)

' You perfidious traitorous strumpet.' - Silvio

Name: Oli Carmelo Conte
Age: 19
Course: Law (1st Year)
Place of Birth: London
Character: Silvio Lombardi
Thoughts on Character: Wonderfully melodramatic. Ludicrously egotistical. Not too sharp.
Favourite Song: Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder
Character’s Favourite Song: Macho Man by The Village People
Favourite Food: Cannoli
Character’s Favourite Food: Bird within bird within a bird
Favourite Play/Film: Shawshank redemption, Jesus Christ Superstar
Favourite Actor/Writer/Director: Guillermo Del Toro, Quentin Tarantino, Ian McKellen, Johnny Depp
Past Experience: Lead for a short film at Cannes Film Festival. Extra work for ITV etc. Music produced for Richmond Shakespeare Society and Barnes Charity Players Theatre Group.

Interesting Fact: Oli would actually be a prince in Italy if they still had a monarchy.

'Steady on. Just make sure there's something soft I can dip my bread into.' - Pantaloon

Name: Callum Duncan Macphee
Age: 21
Course: Medicine (3rd Year)
Place of Birth: Dorset
Character: Pantaloon Parsimoni
Thoughts on Character: He’s an evil old bastard.
Favourite Song: A Change is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke
Character’s Favourite Song: Money, Money, Money by ABBA
Favourite Food: Red snapper in a tempura batter with garlic and black pepper
Character’s Favourite Food: Garden Salad
Favourite Play/Film: A Simple Life
Favourite Actor/Writer/Director: Christoph Waltz, Peter Sellers, Hugh Grant
Past Theatrical Experience: I have acted before. “Dysfunctional” at Leeds last year and some pantomimes.

Interesting Fact: I used to have an imaginary friend called Pompey, he was a basking shark.

Name: Harry Wise
Age: 20
Course: Politics (2nd Year)
Place of Birth: London
Character: Dr Lombardi
Thoughts on Character: He’s very clever but quite arrogant. Pompous, posh and self-centred, overeducated, narcissistic and ostentatious. In England, we might call him a ‘cad’.
Favourite Song: There is a light that never goes out by The Smiths
Character’s Favourite Song: Anything by Bono (they share the same narcissistic tendencies)
Favourite Food: Roast Chicken
Character’s Favourite Food: Boar’s head
Favourite Film/Play: Noises Off, Saving Private Ryan
Favourite Actor/Writer/Director: Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Stieg Larsson
Past Theatrical Experience: Much ado about nothing, A view from the Bridge, Oh! What a lovely war! The Merchant of Venice

Wednesday 6 March 2013

The Most Interesting Cast in the World, part one.

 'Wanker' - Smeraldina

Name: Jennie Pritchard
Age: 18
Course: English Literature and Language (1st Year)
Place of Birth: Harlow, Essex
Character: Smeraldina
Thoughts on Character: I love her, she’s a ballsy independent woman, who’s also pretty keen to get her hands on a reliable bloke.
Your favourite song: You Don’t Own Me by Lesley Gore
Character’s favourite song: All the Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it) by Beyonce
Favourite Food: Yorkshire pudding and gravy
Character’s Favourite Food: Yorkshire pudding and gravy
Favourite Play/Film: Hello and Goodbye, Jurassic Park
Favourite Actor/Writer/Director: Christopher Walken, Virginia Woolf, Lynne Ramsay
Past Theatrical Experience: Romeo and Juliet, Bugsy Malone and Peter Pan at Harlow Playhouse. Co-directed, produced and starred in ‘Bombshells’ at College Theatre. Various roles for school including the lead in Olwen Wymark’s ‘Find Me’.

Interesting Fact: I smacked my sister in the face with a toy gun when we were putting on a play for our family. THERE WAS SO MUCH BLOOD!

'The Fricandeau!' - Brighella

Name: Folco Pietro Emilio Soffietti
Age: 21
Course: Modern Languages (Year Abroad)
Place of Birth: Turin
Character: Brighella
Thoughts on Character: Well, I found it wasn’t so easy to define and find a way to characterise him but I think I like him.
Favourite Song: I’m not sure yet
Character’s Favourite Song: Les Copains D’abord by Georges Brassens
Favourite Food: A good bruschetta
Character’s Favourite Food: Vitel Tone
Favourite Play/Film: Look back in anger, Apocalypse now
Favourite Actor/Writer/Director: Marco Ferreri, Tennesse Williams
Past Theatrical Experience: A few productions when I was younger but I kind of dropped the theatre stuff in the last five years. I’ve spent the time on drawing and writing instead.

We asked Folco for an interesting fact and this is what we got: well... you don't want to know about my past lives would you? I remember when I was in Egypt selling slaves in the 12 A.D. or when myself I have been a slave in France in 1378... no sure that would bore my audience (if there is anybody out there) maybe... maybe something more violent.. what about WW2? It was me and old Captain Dubois... no that too is a bit old isn't it? Well.. well is not easy to interest people nowadays, back in the 50's things were absolutely different, I can assure you... well what about last month? in I was on my way home, I was calm, everything seemed normal.. at the airport the phone rings.. guess who? The Pope! He says "Folco, is you there?" well, believe it or not the poor chap wanted to resign.. I told him I couldn't help him because I was auditioning for a play... so I think I missed my chance but, honestly speaking I'm more in for birds than for gold so I don't really care, in that very moment (at the airport remember?) there is astonishing woman who walks towards me, she looks at me, she SMILES!!!! in my mind was a "whooo-how it must be your lucky day man, Zeus or one of his friends must have remembered you're alive"... then she went over and kissed the guy who was behind me, guess what, I hadn't recovered yet from the shock... there is this gang of cowboys ( Clint Eastwood among them) coming in shooting and whatever, singing "Satisfaction" (by the Rolling, obviously) where the sheriff was you must be asking yourselves... well God only knows... thanks to heaven Liam Neeson was there and he did good, I can tell. well the fact is in this very moment I can't remember anything interesting (today my memory is soooo bad, I apologize again) but as soon as I found out you'll be the first to know!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

One week to go!

A big thank you to everyone that came to our fundraiser on Friday. It was a massive success with over £200 being raised! That’s costumes and set paid for people. No naked actors. No bare stage. Woo!

box o' cash
The evening itself was great fun, with many prizes won in the raffle , some stunning performances from Sam Day and Holly Goldleman, a few tequila shots and one of the cast members accidently setting fire to his own hair. The night ended in Hyde Park Pub where Ben treated us to a beautiful rendition of his dance to Kate Bush’s Wurthering Heights.

Thank you again to Sam, Holly for performing, Charlie Howard and Aman Nundram for technical support and to Headingley Taps, Voodoo, Mint Dehli, Café Lento and Box for donating all those lovely prizes.
cast looking beautiful
We are now finally selling tickets! You can find us in the union from 10-4 everyday. More details on the event here. Look forward to seeing you all!